Monday, 24 August 2015

Things to note - 24 August 2015

Things to note on 24 August 2015

(1) There is no homework today.
(2) Pupils, please revise Stellar Learning Sheets (from Term 1 to Term 3) and learn the vocabulry             used in the passages.
      Do go through all worksheets in the English files.
      Do make use of MConline and go through the Grammar rules in English Grammar Primary 3/4.
      Do revise the rules used in synthesis.
      Do go through Casco Pgs 308 - 344.
      You may wish to attempt some of the Grammar and Vocabulary MCQ Practices in Casco at home       and self- mark.

When attempting the English paper, please ensure you check through the spelling of the words especially if the words are already present in the given sentences and passage. Pay extra attention to the questions and read them carefully.

In class today, we have gone through the vocabulary used in the Stellar passages in Term 3, subject- verb agreement, synthesis and how to answer comprehension questions. Remember to write neatly and show all necessary punctuation. Please write your alphabets clearly. Lastly, remember to check through your paper carefully and with focus. 

If you are feeling unwell on the days when you have the CAs (continual assessments), please ensure you are covered by a medical certificate. 

Do have a early rest tonight! :O) And yes, please pack your pencil case and ensure you bring all necessary stationery. :P