Friday, 3 April 2015

Things to note on 3 April 2015

Things to note on 3 April 2015

Please complete the online tasks by Tuesday, 7 April 2015.

1) The 2 online English Vocabulary tasks have been assigned. 1 MCQ and 1 Cloze
2) A stimulus-based conversation has also been assigned to the pupils. Pupils need to attach a headphone with a microphone to record their answers. Remember to click the "submit" button after you have finished recording your answers for all 3 prompts. If pupils do not have the device, they can record their answers on a foolscap paper. Remember to use AJEO or TREES.
3) Some pupils have not attempted the online tasks on Fractions. Please do so.
4) This is a picture of elks (after reading of National Geographic Magazine).

     Picture taken from

Lastly, Have a wonderful Easter Day!

5) Do bring a towel and a spoon on Monday.