Friday, 24 April 2015

Homework on 24 April 2015

Homework on 24 April 2015

1) Math WB Revision 1( to hand in latest on Tuesday). Pls read the questions and instructions carefully.
2) Science Vitamindz (Complete the whole booklet- Many have completed the questions in class but I have requested for them to go through the questions again and check if they are answering the questions.)
3) Learning sheet on Four Friends (To complete the remaining pages)

Things to note:
1) The composition file has been returned to them. Please go through the "Spice up your composition" and highlight the useful phrases that you will use for each scenario. Please bring the file back on Monday as I will be returning the compositions and will go through the Spice up booklet too.
2) Please bring an extra small bag on Monday as I will be returning  the files back to pupils.