Tuesday, 21 April 2015

Homework on 21 April 2015

Homework on 21 April 2015

1) English comprehension 2
2) Squares and Rectangles (if not completed in class)

Things to note:
1) I have started one-to-one oral practice with the pupils.
For reading aloud, common mistakes are:
(I) Failing to pause after fullstops and commas
(II) Misreading some words or adding words to the passage
(III) Montonous reading
(IV) Failing to sound out ending sounds of words like "-ed", "-k", "-t"

These mistakes have been highlighted before and pupils have improved on them while others still need reminders.

For stimulus-based conversation, it may come in the form of a series of pictures, poster or advertisement.

Pupils have been reminded to answer the question, justify their answers, provide personal experiences relating to the theme and offer their own opinion (AJEO). A pupil was commended in class for his articulate reponses and it was explained to the pupils why his responses were exemplary. 
When the pupils are asked to choose an item from a series of pictures, they can state their choice and proceed to justify their choices. Then they can explain to the teachers when they didn't choose the other items too.

Pupils must remember to maintain eye contact with the teachers when they are sharing their responses too.