Thursday, 30 April 2015

Homework on 30 April 2015

1) Math Revision Paper 1 Section C
2) Science Revision Paper (Paper 2) - Hand in on Tuesday latest
3) Math WS on Squares and Rectangles (1 piece)

Things to note
1) MT oral examination will take place on Monday. If the pupil is absent, he or she must present the Medical Certificate the next day or when the pupil is back in school. Letters from parents are not acceptable.
2) Pupils, pls remember to file the worksheets into your respective files.

Wednesday, 29 April 2015

Homework on 29 April 2015

Homework on 29 April 2015

1) Companion booklet pgs 2, 3, 6 and 10
2) Math Revision Paper 1 Section B
- Pupils to complete the section by themselves with a timeframe of about 30-40 minutes if possible

Tuesday, 28 April 2015

Homework on 28 April 2015

Homework on 28 April 2015

1) Squares and Rectangles corrections and past page
2) Science Revision paper 1 mcq
3) A reminder to submit second draft for composition
4) Companion Booklet comprehension pgs 3 and 4

Monday, 27 April 2015

Homework on 27 April 2015

Homework on 27 April 2015

1) Fan-math Pg 75
2) English Composition (2nd Draft) -To hand in on Wednesday
- Pupils have been asked to use at least 3 creative phrases from the "Spice up" Booklet
and underline them
3) Math WB Corrections for Perpendicular and Parallel Lines.

Things to note:
(1) In general, pupils are improving in their content and ideas generation for their composition. However, they tend to score poorly in the Language components. Reason being, many errors in spelling, tenses, wrong usage in subject- verb agreement and poor sentence structure. I have advised pupils that in writing their compositions, they must set some time to read through their story to spot any errors and rectify them immediately.
Today, they were tasked to write a given composition in pairs to enhance idea generation from each other and more varied vocabulary in the story. As the saying goes, Two heads are better than one.

For content, some pupils are still not describing the Feelings and Thoughts of the main characters. 

(2) For Math, on the topic of Perpendicular and Parallel Lines,

Some pupils are inaccurate in drawing the Perpendicular Lines. Do advise them that accuracy is more important than speed. They have been taught to use 2 set-squares in the drawing of perpendicular lines to avoid the curved end of the set square. They must remember to lay the set square neatly (and aligned to) onto the given line.

For perpendicular lines, they must mark the lines using a right angle while for parallel lines, they should mark them using "arrows". The arrows should be facing the same direction for both parallel lines. They must also pay attention to the words "pass through". In such examples, the lines drawn must pass through the given point. They should use pencil to draw all lines (and models).

(3) All files have been returned to the pupils. They can leave them at home but must remember to file worksheets into the respective files when they receive them.

Friday, 24 April 2015

Homework on 24 April 2015

Homework on 24 April 2015

1) Math WB Revision 1( to hand in latest on Tuesday). Pls read the questions and instructions carefully.
2) Science Vitamindz (Complete the whole booklet- Many have completed the questions in class but I have requested for them to go through the questions again and check if they are answering the questions.)
3) Learning sheet on Four Friends (To complete the remaining pages)

Things to note:
1) The composition file has been returned to them. Please go through the "Spice up your composition" and highlight the useful phrases that you will use for each scenario. Please bring the file back on Monday as I will be returning the compositions and will go through the Spice up booklet too.
2) Please bring an extra small bag on Monday as I will be returning  the files back to pupils.

Thursday, 23 April 2015

Homework on 23 April 2015

Homework on 23 April 2015

1) Math Review 4
2) Math Squares and Rectangles (up to pg 151- some completed in the class)

Things to note:
1) Collection of Qifa Carnival order of tickets tomorrow.
2) Collection of items for garage sale for Qifa Carnival has started. You may donate soft toys, clothes, bags and many more.

Wednesday, 22 April 2015

Homework on 22 April 2015

Homework on 22 April 2015

1) An online Science learning package via MConline has been assigned. Please go in and go through the tutorials and attempt the online tests on Heat.

Things to note:
English dictation will be conducted on Friday.

Tuesday, 21 April 2015

Homework on 21 April 2015

Homework on 21 April 2015

1) English comprehension 2
2) Squares and Rectangles (if not completed in class)

Things to note:
1) I have started one-to-one oral practice with the pupils.
For reading aloud, common mistakes are:
(I) Failing to pause after fullstops and commas
(II) Misreading some words or adding words to the passage
(III) Montonous reading
(IV) Failing to sound out ending sounds of words like "-ed", "-k", "-t"

These mistakes have been highlighted before and pupils have improved on them while others still need reminders.

For stimulus-based conversation, it may come in the form of a series of pictures, poster or advertisement.

Pupils have been reminded to answer the question, justify their answers, provide personal experiences relating to the theme and offer their own opinion (AJEO). A pupil was commended in class for his articulate reponses and it was explained to the pupils why his responses were exemplary. 
When the pupils are asked to choose an item from a series of pictures, they can state their choice and proceed to justify their choices. Then they can explain to the teachers when they didn't choose the other items too.

Pupils must remember to maintain eye contact with the teachers when they are sharing their responses too.

Monday, 20 April 2015

Homework on 20 April 2015

Homework on 20 April 2015

1) 2 Math WS Fractions
2) 2 online tasks: EL editing and Visual Text comprehension

Things to note:
1)Pupils have been forgetting to add the units in their answers.
2)For questions on Fractions, there are usually 2 types: Measurement and Fractions of a set.
Pupils have been reminded to draw models when the question is on Fractions of a set.
3) Pupils must remember to show all steps in their working. They must not skip steps, especially in problem sums.

Friday, 17 April 2015

Homework on 17 April 2015

Homework on 17 April

1) Vitamindz corrections for MCQs and pages 7 & 8
2) EL revision T2R1 ( To complete. Part of it was completed in class)
3) Math parallel and Perpendicular and Lines ( All)

7 Vitamindz booklets are with me. I will return on Monday.

Thursday, 16 April 2015

Homework on 16 April 2015

Homework on 16 April 2015

1) 2 MConline EL Editing assignment and 1 Fractions online

Wednesday, 15 April 2015

Homework on 15 April

Homework on 15 April 2015

1) Math Review 3
2) Angles WB WS- Please complete the corrections and pg 120

Things to note:
1) Examination schedule has been given out

Tuesday, 14 April 2015

Things to note on 14 April 2015

There is no homework today.

Do rest well. :)

Monday, 13 April 2015

Homework on 13 April 2015

Homework on 13 April 2015

1) Fan-math pg 64 and unit 6.1 (pgs 69-71) For unit 6.1, models must be drawn. Pls look for question *8, there is the word "remaining". Do not do pg 72.
2) Check English Test paper 3 (which many have completed in class)

Things to note:
I firmly believe that the class has to be quiet before learning can take place. I hope the pupils can learn to be self-disciplined.

Friday, 10 April 2015

Homework on 10 April 2015

Homework on 10 April 2015

1) Math WB on Angles
2) Companion Booklet 5 Pgs 1 - 4
(Pls highlight answers in text passage and word in the question that informs which tense you must answer in.)

Things to note:
Please bring your thumbdrives on Monday again.
Pupils are advised to go into MConline Oral Buddy (Stimulus-based conversation) for practice and they may refer to the suggested answers for guidance.

Thursday, 9 April 2015

Homework on 9 April 2015

Homework on 9 April 2015

1) Science WS - Experiment on Heat
2) Math WS on Angles
3) A story on any theme (To be submitted for writing competition- all pupils are encouraged to submit and email me a soft copy. Pupils were informed since early in the week. Pupils can save their story in a thumbdrive and pass them to me tomorrow.)

Wednesday, 8 April 2015

Homework on 8 April 2015

Homework on 8 April 2015

1) Stellar LS 5.8

Tuesday, 7 April 2015

Things to note on 7 April 2015

Things to note on 7 April 2015

1) To reread through Stellar Text passage "A nasty accident"
2) Bring the written stimulus-based conversation online homework for Computer Lab lesson tomorrow.
3) Parents, please sign spelling books and Primary One registration forms

Today, we went on the Learning Journey to Kampong Glam, Little India and Chinatown. Do drink more water and rest well.

Monday, 6 April 2015

Homework on 6 April 2015

Homework on 6 April 2015

1) Math WB Pgs 110 and 111
2) Fan-math Unit 5.1 Pgs 62 and 63

Things to note:

  • The pupils will be going on the Heritage field trip tomorrow. Please ensure that they pack according to the list of items and a story book.
  • Today the pupils attempted at ice cream making in a bag but they were unsuccessful. I hope they have fun. However, they need to listen to instructions and learn to work harmoniously in teams.

Friday, 3 April 2015

Things to note on 3 April 2015

Things to note on 3 April 2015

Please complete the online tasks by Tuesday, 7 April 2015.

1) The 2 online English Vocabulary tasks have been assigned. 1 MCQ and 1 Cloze
2) A stimulus-based conversation has also been assigned to the pupils. Pupils need to attach a headphone with a microphone to record their answers. Remember to click the "submit" button after you have finished recording your answers for all 3 prompts. If pupils do not have the device, they can record their answers on a foolscap paper. Remember to use AJEO or TREES.
3) Some pupils have not attempted the online tasks on Fractions. Please do so.
4) This is a picture of elks (after reading of National Geographic Magazine).

     Picture taken from

Lastly, Have a wonderful Easter Day!

5) Do bring a towel and a spoon on Monday.


Thursday, 2 April 2015

Homework on 2 April 2015

Homework on 2 April 2015

1) Vitamindz MCQ only ( Heat)
2) 2 Math WS on Fractions- word problems
3) MConline tasks on Vocabulary will be assigned tomorrow
4) Math wb on topic of Angles (just the first page)

Things to note
1) Heat
Pupils should not use "hotter and colder" to describe temperatures. They should use high(er) or low(er) temperatures.
2) Math
Today we started the topic of Angles. Pupils are reminded to take their geometry sets to school next week.
3) English
The pupils will be exposed to more factual text passages and corresponding comprehension exercises taken from National Geographic or other similar resources. Pupils will also be tasked to check the definition of new vocabulary taken from the text passages and share with the class.
One pupil took the effort to prepare a powerpoint slide to illustrate the definitions he was tasked to check. Thank you for the effort. 👍
4) Letter on Active Thinking programme

Wednesday, 1 April 2015

Homework on 1 April 2015

Homework on 1 April 2015

1) Math WS on Fractions and Whole numbers