Homework on 27 April 2015
1) Fan-math Pg 75
2) English Composition (2nd Draft) -To hand in on Wednesday
- Pupils have been asked to use at least 3 creative phrases from the "Spice up" Booklet
and underline them
3) Math WB Corrections for Perpendicular and Parallel Lines.
Things to note:
(1) In general, pupils are improving in their content and ideas generation for their composition. However, they tend to score poorly in the Language components. Reason being, many errors in spelling, tenses, wrong usage in subject- verb agreement and poor sentence structure. I have advised pupils that in writing their compositions, they must set some time to read through their story to spot any errors and rectify them immediately.
Today, they were tasked to write a given composition in pairs to enhance idea generation from each other and more varied vocabulary in the story. As the saying goes, Two heads are better than one.
For content, some pupils are still not describing the Feelings and Thoughts of the main characters.
(2) For Math, on the topic of Perpendicular and Parallel Lines,
Some pupils are inaccurate in drawing the Perpendicular Lines. Do advise them that accuracy is more important than speed. They have been taught to use 2 set-squares in the drawing of perpendicular lines to avoid the curved end of the set square. They must remember to lay the set square neatly (and aligned to) onto the given line.
For perpendicular lines, they must mark the lines using a right angle while for parallel lines, they should mark them using "arrows". The arrows should be facing the same direction for both parallel lines. They must also pay attention to the words "pass through". In such examples, the lines drawn must pass through the given point. They should use pencil to draw all lines (and models).
(3) All files have been returned to the pupils. They can leave them at home but must remember to file worksheets into the respective files when they receive them.