Thursday, 2 July 2015

Homework on 2 July 2015

Homework on 2 July 2015

1) Math TB Pgs 20-26
2) English Revision Paper (if uncompleted)
3) Individual research on sport idol
- As the theme for first English Stellar is in Sports Day, they were tasked to research on a sport person that they admire. They will collate their research in groups and present in class. The purpose of this activity to help them to build their knowledge and schema on topics relating to sports and sportsmanship.
4) Science online learning package on MConline - Light travels in straight lines

Things to note:
The pupils learnt the following in their Science Lesson on Wednesday:
(1) There are various sources of light- natural and artificial.
(2) We can see objects only when there is light.
(3) We can see objects because they are either sources of light or the objects reflect the light from the light source.
(4) They learnt how to draw the paths which light travels.