Homework on 27 March 2015
1) 2 online Math tasks on Fractions via MConline
2) Stimulus-based conversation pg 8 (Just answer this question:
Look at the picture. Describe what you see. Are pupils following the rules in the canteen?) You may use TREES or AJEO ( See below).
3) Vitamindz pg 1 (Knowledge check-in) Energy
4) Remember to bring your answers to the 2 Heuristic questions (Marxh Holiday Homework) on Monday.
Things to note:
1)Parents, pls sign the EL HA assessments.
2) Spelling list given
3) For stimulus-based conversation, some pupils are having difficulty following the TREES strategy. If so, they can follow the following steps.
A: Answer the question
J:Justify given answer.(Explain)
E: Examples using, for example, personal experiences
O: Offer Opinions and suggestions
Some of them have asked me, what if they do not like any of the items or scenarios given to them and they have to choose one.
As this is a conversation, they can explain that they do not like any of them and explain why. However, pupils can add that if they have to choose an item, they will choose item xxx and offer their explanation. After that, the pupils can offer their preferred item (not in picture) similar to the theme of the items shown and again explain why.
Basically, for stimulus- based conversation, the main objective is to assess pupils' abilities to carry out an engaging conversation and whether they can articulate their thoughts and opinions well. There is usually no right or wrong answer. However, pupils must listen to the questions asked by the examiner and answer appropriately to the questions and try not to deviate from the theme.
Please note that for stimulus-based conversation, it may be pictures of a series of items or just one picture.
4) For Science, we went through Temperature and Thermometer.
Question: Why do people put rock salt in the ice in ice cream making?