Tuesday, 3 March 2015

Common errors in Math

Common errors in Math

1) (i) Find the value of 4 ten thousands, 21 hundreds, 3 tens and 95 ones.

I have advised pupils to write out the numbers on top of each number in words and add them up.

(ii) 2100 = ____ hundreds + 100

Many times, pupils fail to see the "hundreds" and just fill in 2000 inmediately which is the wrong answer.

2) Round off the product of 45 and 12 to the nearest tens.

Pupils know that product is multiplication and they can find the exact product but they fail to complete the rounding off.

3) The sum of the two numbers is 4192. The difference between the two number is 1184. What is the smaller number?

Pupils are advised to draw model using comparison model.  
One unit to represent smaller number while bigger number is represented by 1 unit + 1184. The total for both is 4192. Using the model, pupils should be able to solve the question.

4) Word problems involving line graphs. I have asked pupils to write out the values represented by each point of the line graph. They have been asked to refer to the y-axis and the x-axis to see what values they are reading off and in what units.

The question involving "leaking tank". Pupils need to be know that "water lost" is  not the volume of water in a leaking tank at that hour. So pupils have to be understand what the question is asking. Another confusion might arise in questions asking about number of coins vs value of coins.

5) Working vs no working and copying of the wrong digits

Many a times, I have noticed  that the pupils like to do "simple" mental calculations and do not want to check by working out the algorithm. I have advised them that they must check their answers not just by looking at the paper but by doing the calculations. This is to minimise errors due to carelessness.

Pupils have been copying the wrong digits from the question. Do check that the numbers are copied from the questions to their equations accurately.

6) Presentation of answers

Pupils have been advised to present their answers neatly and all necessary equations to be shown.

7) Units

Pupils must remember to add in the units in their answers. They may forget as their equations do not reflect any units.

Do check all papers seriously and diligently. Have a good night's rest. 😊