Friday, 30 January 2015

Homework on 30 Jan 2015

Homework on 30 Jan 2015

1) Vitamindz pg 8-10
2) 1 Math WS on Factors and Multiples

Thursday, 29 January 2015

Homework on 29 January 2015

Homework on 29 January 2015

1) Math WB ( Whole Number 3): Division

Wednesday, 28 January 2015

Homework on 28 January2015

Homework on 28 January 2015

1) Science Revision Worksheet on Matter
2) 1 Math online task via Mconline on Factors and Multiples

Things to note
1) A letter was given out to pupils taking the school bus transport on the contact details of the bus operator

2) Today in Science, the pupils did experiments on measurement of volume using the measuring cylinders and syringe. They were taught how to take the readings of the liquids in each measuring equipment.

Tuesday, 27 January 2015

Homework on 27 January 2015

Homework on 27 January 2015

1) 2 Science WS on Matter
2) Science Vitamindz on Matter ( Knowledge check-in) and MCQ only

Monday, 26 January 2015

Homework on 26 January 2015

Homework on 26 January 2015

1) Math WB pg 43 to 46 (Some pages were completed in class)
2) Online assignments via Mconline - 1 Grammar MCQ Test and 1 Math Revision (Whole Numbers)

Friday, 23 January 2015

Things to note on 23 January 2015

1) There is no homework today.

Things to note
(a) In supplementary lesson,  I had a one-to-one feedback session with the pupils on the composition that they had written. This is to inform them individually on how to improve their composition writing.
Areas to note:
Poor linkage of ideas (due to abrupt change of ideas), insufficient details to support each idea, spelling, punctuations, rushed conclusion and a need to use more varied vocabulary.
(b) For Math, they revisited questions on  heuristics like "guess-and- check", "making assumptions" and were introduced to  "listing".

Thursday, 22 January 2015

Homework on 22 January 2015

Homework on 22 January 2015

1) Topical WS on Factors and Multiples

Wednesday, 21 January 2015

Homework on 21 January 2015

Homework on 21 January 2015

1) Companion Booklet 2 Practice Sheets 1 and 2 (pgs 2- 4)

Things to note:
(1) For Science, the pupils did some experiments on measurement of mass and volume. They used the electronic scale and lever scale, They also learnt how to measure the volume of irregular objects.
For reading the volume of a liquid, the pupils are taught to position their eye at the same level as the liquid level (known as the meniscus). This is is avoid parallax error.
They also completed a worksheet to assess their understanding of matter and whether they can identify what a given experiment seeks to test (whether it is on "mass" or "occupies space").
(2) For Math, we did some revision on rounding of whole numbers. Do advise the pupils to read the questions carefully as they assumed that questions will always be asked in a certain manner. For example, the number of cars are about 200, rounded off to the nearest hundreds. They assume that the first question asked them what is the greatest actual number of cars, followed by the smallest actual number of cars (which was the practice questions in workbook). Thus in the Math worksheet, when the questions are asked in the reverse sequence, their answers are wrong as they did not read the questions carefully. Do impress upon them on the importance of reading instructions and questions.

Tuesday, 20 January 2015

Homework on 20 January 2015

Homework on 20 January 2015

1) Math WB Review 1
2) Stellar WS "Canoe Diary" Pgs 2 and 6 only

Things to note:
Do advise pupils to go through their times-table again as I realised that they have difficulty computing simple multiplication questions accurately.This is evident in word problems where they are able to come up with the correct equations but their computations are wrong. Some forgot about the regrouped numbers and some simply forgot about their times-table. As the topic of Whole numbers- multiples" is closely linked to the times-table, they must be proficient in them.

Letters: (1)Networking letter and reply form (2) Science resources

Monday, 19 January 2015

Homework on 19 January 2015

Homework on 19 January 2015

1) 2 Math online Math assignments via MConline
2) English Test Paper 1 Pgs 13 & 14

Friday, 16 January 2015

Homework on 16 Jan 2015

Homework on 16 Jan 2015

1) Math WS 2A

Things to note:
1) Today I introduced Visual Text Comprehension, a component in English, to the pupils.
2) For Math, a few pupils are confused when it comes to rounding numbers to the nearest tens and hundreds. I have advised them to highlight in the question, what they are supposed to round off the actual numbers to. Many a times, the pupils do not read the question carefully and attempt the questions immediately. In questions like rounding off a number to the nearest tens, I advised them to underline the digit in the tens place and circle the digit which determines whether the number is rounded up on not, (in this case, it is the digit in the ones place). I hope this helps.

Thursday, 15 January 2015

Things to note on 15 January 2015

Things to note on 15 January 2015

1) To complete the Reader's Profile form
2) Sign Math WS on Whole Numbers (1)

Wednesday, 14 January 2015

Homework on 14 January 2015

Homework on 14 January 2015

1) Math WB Pg 21-24
2) Science Learning Package "What is Matter?" via Mconline

Tuesday, 13 January 2015

Homework on 13 January 2015

Homework on 13 January 2015

1) Vocabulary MCQ Practice via Mconline
2) Math Practice- Numbers to 100 000 via Mconline

Things to note:
1) There is spelling tomorrow.
2) It is observed that the pupils need to improve on their grasp of vocabulary and spelling.
Do encourage them to read a wider genre of books and while attempting the online vocabulary exercises, they may use the dictionary. When I review the test results, I will go through some common errors with them. (for e.g. the usage of "scalded" and "burnt")
3) Consent form for supplementary lessons is given out today. I have explained to pupils that supplementary lessons will be held in Term 1.

Friday, 9 January 2015

Homework on 9 Jan 2015

Homework on 9 January 2015

1) Math Ws 1A & 1B (please draw model for 1B)

Things to note:
(i) Dear parents, please look through and sign both sides of the student particulars form and it is to be returned on Monday.
(ii) On Math topic of Whole numbers (1), it is observed that pupils tend to rely on mental calculation when attempting number patterns or simple addition/ subtraction questions. I have reminded them to check by showing workings to ensure that their answers are accurate. Please encourage pupils to show workings.

Thursday, 8 January 2015

Homework on 8 Jan 2015

Homework on 8 Jan 2015

1) Process Skills (Math) unit 1.1

The 5 questions to be researched for Science are:
(I) Is jelly a solid, liquid or gas?
(II) What are the 3 states of matter?
(III) Can air be compressed?
(IV) What are atoms and molecules?
(V) What is the difference between weight and mass?

As mentioned, these questions were raised during a discussion. I hope the pupils will have fun solving their "mysteries". If they are unable to solve certain questions, it's ok. We will discuss them in class.

Wednesday, 7 January 2015

Homework on 7 January 2015

Things to note on 7 January 2015


1) Science Journal (To hand in on Friday)
2) Little Red Dot (Jubilee Edition - Hand in on Friday) Pg 18 and 19
3) Online EL assignment via MConline - 1 Vocabulary MCQ

Things to note:
For Science, the pupils had a discussion on what they knew about matter. Some interesting terms and questions came up during the discussion and they were tasked to research on 5 selected questions which they were to answer in their Science journals. If pupils are unable to find the answers to all the questions, it is ok. We will discuss them in class.

Tuesday, 6 January 2015

Homework on 6 January 2015

Things to note on 6 January 2015

1) English Composition with topic, "Loss of passports" from English Tests 4
    Composition to be completed on foolscap paper

Things to note:
1) Tomorrow is temperature-taking exercise. Pupils are reminded to take a working thermometer to school and their school handbook.
2) 2 letters were given to pupils today: (1) Vocaliser programme form
                                                               (2) Principal's letter for Term 1

Monday, 5 January 2015

Things to note on 5 January 2015

Things to note on 5 January 2015

1) There is no homework today.
2) Some pupils did not take their thermometer to school. Please ensure that they bring a working
thermometer to school as there is a temperature-taking exercise on 7 January 2015, Wednesday.
3) I checked the booklist and there is no Science activity book stated for Energy.
4) We have started learning the first topic for Math- Whole numbers (1) and Prince Zak and the Wise Frog (EL Stellar) today. For Science, the first topic to be taught is Matter.

Friday, 2 January 2015

Welcome to 4 Exemplary!

Welcome to 4 Exemplary (2015)

I am Mdm Linda Tiang, form teacher of 4 Exemplary. It's a pleasure to be teaching the pupils in 4 Exemplary. 

The pupils were given their timetables and a letter from me to parents/guardians on how to contact me. This class blog will provide information on their daily homework given by me and other important school announcements. I will try my best to update as timely as possible. Each pupil was also given a welcome-gift pack by me. I hope they like the small gifts.

Here are some pictures of the welcome-gift packs!

The welcome-gift packs
The Star bookmarks in the welcome gift packs

There is no homework today.  


1) There are 2 forms that the pupils have taken home. Parents/guardians are to fill in the Student Medical form and Pupil Profile form and return to me on Monday.
2) There is a temperature-taking exercise on 7 January 2015, Wednesday. Pupils have to take their (working) thermometers to school. I will check on Monday.
3) The English spelling list was given out today. Spelling will start in Week 2 and it will take place on every Wednesday, unless otherwise mentioned.
4) These books and files will be collected and kept in the class cupboards.
(i) English: MC English Listening Comprehension and Oral P4
                  MC English Tests Paper 4
                  Casco English Primary 4
                  Companion Booklets (must bring on Monday)
                  Purple Ring File
(ii) Mathematics: Math Pupils' WB 4A (must bring on Monday) and 4B
                           Process Skills in Problem Solving (Fan-math)
                           Yellow file
(iii) Science: Science Activity Books- Cycles and Energy
                     Red File

Health Education, Social Studies and Music books can also be kept in the class cupboards.

Please ensure all books and files have the pupil's names written clearly before they are kept in the class cupboard. By the end of next week, all stated books should be kept in the class cupboard.

Have a restful weekend. :)

Mdm Tiang