Thursday, 29 October 2015

Things to note

The pupils will be taking their Science paper tomorrow. If they are not feeling well, please ensure they see a doctor and  are covered with a medical certificate.

Today we went through the Science Revision paper and clarified their misconceptions. Do remember to revise their Lower Block science topics. 

Do sleep early!

Science Revision- Taken from post in May 2015

Do let me if there are any mistakes.

Quick recap:

Living Things
1.Livings can grow, respond to changes, die, reproduce, need air, food and water to survive.   
2.Plants can make their own food but animals depend on others for food.
3.Plants and animals can move by themselves but animals can move from place to place by themselves while plants can only move their parts.
4.Some animals lay many eggs at one time to ensure the survival of their species. 
5.Microorganisms are living things that can only be seen under the microscope.
6.The animal groups are mammals, fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and fish. (For characteristics, please look at Textbook Pg 46)
      Mammals- outer covering of hair or fur
                      - Give birth to young alive (exceptions are platypus and spiny anteater which lay eggs)
                      - Feed on mother's milk
                      - Dolphins and whales are mammals. Bats are also mammals.  
       Reptiles- Dry skin covered with scales or shells
                    - Breathe through lungs
                     - Lay eggs
                     - Crocodiles, snakes and turtles are reptiles
       Insects - hard outer body covering (exoskeleton)
                   - body divided into 3 parts (head, thorax and abdomen)
                   - A pair of feelers are at the head, 6 legs are at the thorax
                   - Reproduce by laying eggs
      Fish- Outer covering of scales
             - Have fins to swim and gills to breathe
             - Reproduces by laying eggs
             - Exceptions: Guppies are fish that give birth to their young alive
      Birds- Body covering of feathers
               - Feathers keep them warm and help them to fly
               - Has a beak, a pair of wings and a pair of legs
               - reproduce by laying eggs
     Amphibians- live on land and in water
                        - Breathes through moist skin in water and through lungs when on land
                        - Reproduces by laying eggs
     * A spider is not an insect as it has 8 legs unlike an insect which has 6 legs.
      7.Fungi are not plants as they do not make their own food.
      8. Some examples of fungi are mushrooms, bracket fungi, puff balls and mould.
      9. Fungi reproduce by spores. They feed on other living things,which maybe dead or alive, and which they grow on.
     10. Please learn the parts of a mushroom. Spores are found in the gills of mushrooms.
     11. Useful fungi- mushrooms can be eaten. Yeast can be used to make bread
     12. Harmful fungi- Spoil things when fungi grows on them.
     13. Bacteria are microorganisms. They can only be seen under a microscope. They are living things.
      - Useful bacteria- They can be used to make cheese and yoghurt.
     - Harmful bacteria- They can grow on food and spoil them. Some bacteria make us ill.
  a)Strength – Ability of material to be pulled without breaking or tearing
(b) flexibility- Ability to bend without breaking
(c) Transparency – How much light can pass through
Transparent materials allows most light to pass through.
*Translucent material allows little or some light to pass through
*Opaque materials allows no light to pass through
(d) Ability to float or sink – Whether the object floats or sinks in water
(e) Whether the materials are waterproof –Whether the material absorbs water
We have gone through in class the various tests on how to test each property.
**Please note to answer why the pupils choose a certain material for an object, they need to state the material selected to make the object + the property of the material + how this property is useful for the function or use of the object.
Matter and its states
1) Matter is anything that has mass and occupies space.
Pupils have been advised to use these 2 properties to determine if something is matter.
2) Mass is the amount of matter in a body or object. (measured in g or kg)
3) Electronic balance and beam balance can be used to measure mass.
4) Volume is the amount of space that a body occupies. Measured in cubic cm or cubic m or litres
5) An object has to be removed or displaced before another object can take its place.
6) The three states of matter are solids, liquids and gases.
Solids have definite shape and volume. Liquids have definite volume but no definite shapes. Gases do not have definite shapes and volumes. Only gases can be compressed.
7) Small grains of rice, jelly beans are solids as they have definite shapes and volumes, though collectively when poured into a container, they are seen to take the shape of the container.
8) Please learn the parts of a syringe and how to mark and take the readings.
9) Remember to get accurate readings, bring eye level to meniscus or lowest point of water mark to avoid parallax error.
10) Please look through the steps to find the volume of objects that are irregularly shaped
11) Beakers are not a good measurement tool. Measuring cylinders are better and to pick the most suitable equipment for measurement, look at the volume of the object to be measured and the units of measurement of the measuring cylinder to decide.
12) The three states of water- ice (solid), water (liquid), gas (water vapour)
** To attempt questions on matter, the pupils must identify if the question is asking on mass or volume (occupying space). For Object X to take the place of Object Y, Object Y must be removed or displaced first. Please note that water takes up space and not water level (use water level correctly).
Heat is a form of energy.
- Sources of heat are things that produce heat like Sun, volcano, candles and light bulbs.
- Heat is also produced by friction (when two objects rub against each other)
- Please use higher temperature or lower temperature. Remember not to use "hotter temperature or colder temperature".
- Clinical thermometer is used to measure body temperature.
- Laboratory themometer is used to measure the temperature of objects and substances.
- Please note that heat and temperature are not the same. Heat is a form of energy while temperature is a measurement of how hot or cold something is.
- Heat will always travel from a hotter to a colder place until they reach the same temperature.
- When an object gains heat, its temperature increases.
- When an object loses heat, its temperature decreases,
- Matter expand when it gains heat.
-Matter contracts when it loses heat.
Daily use of expansion and contraction
1.A laboratory thermometer contains a liquid such as mercury or alcohol. When the thermometer is placed in something hot, the liquid gains heat and expands. As it expands, it climbs up the scale.
2.Overhead cables are hung loosely so that they do not snap when they contract in cold weather.
3.Railway tracks have gaps along the rails so that the metal rail will not buckle when it expands on hot days.
Good or Poor conductors of heat
Good conductors of heat allow heat to pass through them easily. They allow heat to pass through them quickly.
Poor conductors of heat do not allow heat to pass through them easily.
Metals are good conductors of heat while glass, plastics, wood, rubber and air are poor conductors of heat.
Interesting facts
1.Woollen jackets trap air around your body. As air and wool are poor conductors of heat, heat produced by your body is not easily lost to the surroundings. Thus, wearing a woollen jacket keeps you warm.
2.Metal is not "cold" by nature. If a metal spoon and plastic spoon are placed in an air-conditioned room, they are at the same temperature. The metal spoon feels colder as it is a good conductor of heat and when you touch it, heat is conducted quickly away from our body, faster than the plastic spoon which is a poor conductor of heat. This makes the metal spoon feel colder than the plastic spoon.
3. Uses of good conductors of heat- to make cooking utensils
4. Uses of poor conductors of heat- To make winter clothing and make containers that keep things warm or cold.
** Please note that for heat, please use the following:
- gain heat from XXXXXX
- lose heat to XXXX
***Lastly if the question asks you to explain why you choose an object over some choices, remember to compare by using comparative or superlative adjectives.

Science Revision- Plant parts

I have done up a summary on the Plant parts to aid your revision in Science.
If you do spot any mistakes or you would like to bring up any points for discussion, please inform me when we are back in school.

Plant and their parts

1. Plants are living things and they are made up of many parts.
2. The parts of a plant are roots, stems, leaves, flowers, fruits and seeds. These parts combine to form a system.
3. Each plant part has a function.
4. These parts work together to help the plant make food, grow and reproduce.

Functions of Roots
1. Takes in water and mineral salts from the soil
2. Holds the plant firmly to the ground

Functions of Stem
1. Supports or holds up the branches and leaves to get sunlight
2. Hold the tree upright
3. Carries food, water and mineral salts to all parts of the plants

Function of Leaf
1. Makes food for the plant by trapping sunlight
2. They allow the plant to exchange gases with the surrounding air

Functions of Flower
1. Reproductive structure of a plant that enables the plant to bear fruits and seeds
2. Attract pollinators

Function of fruit
1. Contains and protects the seeds

Function of seed
1. Germinates to produce new plants

Question: Why are the leaves of plants usually spread out?
Answer: They are usually spread out so that they can get as much sunlight as possible to make food for the plant.

Leaves make food for the plant by trapping light energy from the Sun.
There are tiny opening openings in the leaf called stomata to help plants take in and give out gases.

*Do learn how to label the parts of a leaf.

Some plants have stems that grow straight up and they are strong while some plants have weak stems that climb up other plants for support. Some plants creep along the ground.

Therefore, those plants with weak stem will climb higher up the support (if they are present like a straight stick) to support the leaves up to get sunlight to make food.

Some food is stored in the stems of the plants like potato, ginger and sugercane.

Some roots store food for the plant like carrot, turnip and sweet potato.

Though it is true that roots of most plants grow underground, some plants do have roots that grow above the ground to get more oxygen like orchid, mangroves.

Interesting facts:
Some red or purple leaves do contain chlorophyll (the green pigment in leaves that aids photosynthesis). It's just that they contain a higher percentage of other plant pigments which masks the small percentage of chlorophyll and cause them to appear red or purple.

Wednesday, 28 October 2015

Things to note

Tomorrow is the pupils' Mother Tongue paper. Please ensure you are covered with a medical certificate if you are feeling unwell and will be absent from the paper.

Do revise and sleep early. 😊

Tuesday, 27 October 2015

Thing to note on 27 Oct 2015

Tomorrow the pupils will be taking their Math examination. Please remember to take their mathematical set( protractor and set-squares) to school.

Monday, 26 October 2015

Things to note

Things to note on 27 October 2015

Tomorrow is their English SA2 Paper 2. Please revise by going through their Stellar worksheets from Term 1- 4, worksheets in file, Casco. 

You may use the MConline to go through the grammar rules.

If you are feeling unwell, you must be covered by a medical certificate and pass to me when you are back in school.

Do sleep early. 

Sunday, 25 October 2015

Answers for Math WS

Here are the answers for the Math WS. 
You may mark the worksheets or ask your parents to mark them. Do take them to school tomorrow.

Saturday, 24 October 2015

Science plant models

Here's sharing some of the creative plant models completed by your classmates. 

Homework on 23 October 2015

Homework on 23 October 2015

1) English Test 8 (Only for those who did not complete it in class)
2) Math WS on Multiplication and Fractions have been posted on the blog

Things to note:
A letter on Swimsafer was handed out to the pupils.
A letter on the time slot for pupils opting to take the Vocaliser test was also handed out.

English Revision
1) Remember to go through Stellar Units from Term 1 to Term 4
2) Revise Casco especially pages at the back of the book where the phrasal verbs, idioms are
3) Go through P3/4 Grammar in MConline to reinforce the grammar rules learnt
4) Attempt the exercises in Casco as revision

Math worksheets on Multiplication and Fractions

Math Revision

As we went through Math revision yesterday, the pupils are still not accurate in their multiplication and fractions calculations.

I am posting 3 worksheets on them and will post the answers tomorrow.

Do download them and attempt the questions. If you do not have a printer, you may copy the questions on your foolscap. Please bring the worksheets on Monday.

As explained to the pupils, usually questions involving these calculations are part of questions and if their algorithm is wrong, it will affect the rest of the equations and a wrong answer will be attained, thus it is important that they get these algorithms correct.

Wednesday, 21 October 2015

Revision for Science (P3 Topics - Diversity, Materials, Life Cycles and Magnets)

Revision for Science (P3 topics) - Taken from P3E Blog and updated

1. State the characteristics of living things.
2. State 2 differences between plants and animals.
3. Why do living things reproduce?
4. What are microorganisms?
5. What are the animal groups? State their characteristics.
6. Name 2 types of fungi.
7. How do fungi reproduce?
8. How do fungi obtain their food?
9. State 2 non-flowering plants. How do non-flowering plants reproduce?
10. There are 3 parts of an insect's body. Name the 3 parts. Which part can you find the insect's legs and wings?
11. A whale is a fish. Is this statement correct. Explain your answer.
12. A spider is an insect. Is this statement correct. Explain your answer.
13. Draw a mushroom and label its parts. Circle the part where the spores are found.
14. How are bacteria harmful or useful to us? List them.

*Please note that plants cannot move from place to place by themselves while animals can move from place to place by themselves. However, plants can move by themselves. An example is that they move towards sunlight.

1. What are the properties of materials? State how each property can be tested.

* In answering questions on materials, especially on choosing the right material to make an object, we must know the properties of the material and the use (function) of the object. We must be able to relate the properties of materials to the uses of the objects.

Interactions :Magnets
1. Name 2 metals that magnets can be made from.
*Hint: Remember Ironman and Superman (Man of Steel)  :)
2. Complete the sentences.
(i) A magnet can attract _______________  materials.
(ii) Some examples of magnetic materials are ________, ________, __________, ___________.
(iii) A magnet has _______ poles. They are the ______________ and _____________.
(iv) A freely suspended magnet rests in ____________ direction.
(v) Like poles ___________.
(vi) Unlike poles ______________.
3. List three ways for a magnet to lose its magnetic strength.
4. Name the 2 methods to make magnets.
5. In each method mentioned in Q4, how can the magnet be made stronger?
6. How can we tell if an object is a magnet or a magnetic material?
7. Larger magnets are always stronger that smaller magnets. Is this statement true? Explain.
8. Describe 2 ways where we can compare which magnet is stronger.

*Magnets are used in everyday objects like fridge, compass, credit cards and many more.
Please note: Like poles attract when facing each other. Unlike poles attract when facing each other.

Life cycles
1. Why are life cycles important?
2. Why are the eggs of a frog covered with a jelly-like covering?
3. Where are the eggs of a cockroach laid in?
4. List the differences between a cockroach nymph and an adult cockroach.
5. Where are the eggs of a grasshopper found?
6. At which stage, does the young of a butterfly stop eating?
7. How do the mosquito larvae and pupae breathe?
8. Which stages of the mosquito life cycle are spent in water?
9. What type of water are the eggs of the mosquito laid in?
10. Which stage of the grasshopper life cycle is most harmful to the farmers? Why?
11. Which stage of the mosquito life cycle most difficult to kill? Why?
12. Why are the eggs of the butterfly laid on leaves?
13. Name 2 differences between the life cycle of a cockroach and the life cycle of a butterfly.
14. List the differences between the tadpole (young of a frog) and the adult frog.
15. Why do some animals lay so many eggs at one time?

* Please take note that the chick looks like the adult chicken, similar to the grasshopper/ cockroach nymphs which also look like their adults.
** The nymphs of grasshopper and cockroach moults and the larvaes of butterfly, mosquito and beetle moults too.

Do test yourselves on these questions as you go about your revision.
If you do spot any errors, do inform me when I see you on Friday. Have fun revising.

Online assignments (Day 3)

Dear all,

I have assigned another 1 Math assignment via McOnline and 3 short Science MCQ exercises (Cycles, Digestive Systems and Human Systems). I noticed that some of you have not attempted the previous exercises that I have assigned. Please do so.

Monday, 19 October 2015

Online assignments (Days 1 & 2)

Online assignments (Days 1 & 2)

The following assignments have been assigned to you:
1) Math SA2 (1) Section A
2) Math Challenging Questions
3) 2 EL Graphic Stimulus Exercises
4) MCQ Science Exercise on Diversity

Friday, 16 October 2015

Things to note on 16 October 2015

Things to note on 16 October 2015

Due to PSLE marking, the pupils will not be coming to school on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. I have given them 1 Science and 1 Math Revision Paper to complete. I have also advised pupils to attempt the exercises in Casco to broaden their vocabulary and reinforce grammar rules. 

I will be assigning online tasks soon. Please look out for them via this blog.

Today, I tested the pupils some questions from the Science topics (lower block)- Diversity and Cycles. Some of them have forgotten the characteristics of certain animal groups and when I went through the open-ended questions in their revision paper, some have forgotten how to answer the question on why they choose (or not) a certain material for a given object. Pupils must remember they must state the state the property of the material and how it suits or does not suit the function of the object. 
They have been reminded to distinguish between the terms "materials" and "objects". 

Thursday, 15 October 2015

Things to note on 15 October 2015

Things to note for 15 October 2015

Today we went through what pupils need to pay attention for Reading Aloud and Stimulus-based conversation for their EL oral examination tomorrow. Please note that the examination will take place after school tomorrow. They have been shown exemplars on how to answer questions in Stimulus-based conversations. They may go to Mconline and use the Oral Buddy for revision or refer to their Listening Comprehension.

It is not compulsory to complete the Math Revision paper 3 but if you have time, you may attempt the questions in them.

If you are absent, please be covered with a medical certificate.

Do sleep early and see you tomorrow.

Wednesday, 14 October 2015

Things to note on 14 October 2015

Things to note on 14 October 2015

1) Math Revision Paper 2
2) Math Revision Paper 3 (You may wish to complete it if you are taking a break from studying for your MT Oral. It is not compulsory to complete.)
3) The pupils' Science files were returned to them for revision,
4) There is MT oral examination after school tomorrow. Please revise for it and if you are absent, your absence must be covered with a medical certificate.
5) There is Art Lesson- Batik Painting tomorrow. Please bring the necessary, like aprons tomorrow.

Tuesday, 13 October 2015

Homework on 13 October 2015

Homework on 13 October 2015

1) Math WS (2 Questions on Area and Perimeter)
2) Math Revision Paper 1 (Not compulsory to complete)

Tomorrow there are MT examinations. Please revise for them and if you are feeling unwell, please remember to be covered by medical certificate.

Things to note:
- Today, the pupils took their Math files and WB home for revision.
- A letter on the purchase of calculators and workshop was given to the pupils. Please refer to the letter on the model that the pupils can use. They are strongly encouraged to purchase the calculator and attend the workshop. If in doubt, the pupils may bring their existing scientific calculators for me to check.

Have a good rest.

Monday, 12 October 2015

Things to note on 12 October 2015

Things to note on 12 October 2015

There is no homework today. However, the pupils were given a Math Revision Paper to bring home in case they need a break from their studying of composition writing. They may complete Sections B and C. It is not mandatory to complete them.

I have returned 3 EL revision papers and went through the answers with them. Pupils have been asked to file them into their EL files.

Composition Writing
1. Pupils must remember to write according to the theme and use at least 1 picture. I have reminded the pupils to highlight the theme and circle the pictures that they are using.

2. The bulk of the content must focus on the theme. Pupils have been advised to write in "1st party" - "I" if the theme indicates "you".

3. We went through what constitutes good content in a composition. The ideas must be interesting, details relevant and well linked. Logical ideas, too.

4. We went through the common mistakes in language among the pupils. Appropriate uses of vocabulary, punctuation, tenses, paragraphing, contractions are important.

5. Try not to write the events as a dream unless the theme is about a nightmare or a dream and not to use "inner voice/ devil/ angel in my mind" in your story. I have advised them to use "I was in a dilemma. I wondered, "Should I XXXXXX or XXXX?"

6. I went through the various introductions and conclusions that they can use in their compositions.
Remember that the conclusion must be reasonable and believable.

7. Ensure that your handwriting is neat and legible.

Listening comprehension
1. Listen carefully and check answers against second reading.
2. Read instructions especially for note-taking, if they require one-word answer or short answer.
3. Be considerate and be as quiet as possible in the course of the examination.

If a pupil is feeling unwell, please ensure the pupil is covered with a medical certificate (MC).

Lastly, pack your necessary stationery and sleep early.

I'll see you tomorrow. :O)

Thursday, 8 October 2015

Science- Plant models

Here are some pictures of the class pupils' plant models. They are indeed creative. There are many more beautiful models and I am heartened to see how creative the pupils are.

Homework on 8 October 2015

1) Science Revision Paper section B
2) Math Corrections for Area and Perimeter
3) Math Review 7

Things to note:
1) Happy Children's Day to all! I hope all of you have fun today. I definitely did! 
2) Congratulations to the class representative for the inter-class Spelling Bee. She emerged as the winner. Well done!
3) Today, their Listening Comprehension books were returned to them. Pupils are advised to use the book and MConline for oral practices. Overall, when we went through the last practice for LC today, the pupils were more focused during the exercise. 

Again do remember to read the instructions especially for the note-taking section, as to whether they are asking for one-word answer or short answers.

Rest well and I'll see all of you on Monday.

Wednesday, 7 October 2015

Homework on 7 October 2015

1) EL revision paper 4 
2) Math revision 2 (section B and C)
3) Vitamindz Open-minded qns

Things to note:
A letter was given on the Oral examinations.

Tuesday, 6 October 2015

Things to note on 6 October 2015

There is no homework today.

School will resume in the morning tomorrow.

Have a good rest tonight.

Monday, 5 October 2015

Question to ponder- Real- life examples of tessellation

What is the name of the pattern commonly used in the design of clothes?

Homework on 5 October 2015

1) EL Revision Paper 6
2) Math Tessellation (complete) 
3) Math WS (2 digit multiply by 2 digit)

Things to note
1) Pupils have been making many mistakes when they are multiplying a 2-digit number by another 2-digit number, hence the revision worksheet. 
2) Again, during Listening Comprehension Practice Exercise, some pupils have been observed not to check their work when the narrator is repeating the passage or question a second time. I have advised them to ensure they check their answers against the second narration. I have also advised them against "clicking" their pens unnecessarily in the midst of the examination. 
3) Sign spelling books

Friday, 2 October 2015

Homework on 2 October 2015

1) Math CA2 Parallel Questions WS
2) Vitamindz Human Systems McQ
3) Science Revision Paper Section A
4) Sign EL Companion Booklet and Stellar WS

Things to note:
1) Composition files were returned to them for revision. 

Thursday, 1 October 2015

Homework on 1 Oct 2015

1) Tessellation WS
2) Complete Science WB pg 25 (reminder)

Things to note:
The learning journey to Botanic Gardens on 5 Oct 2015 for the 7 pupils is cancelled. A letter will be issued soon.