Wednesday, 30 September 2015

Homework on 30 September 2015

DHomework on 30 September 2015

1) EL Revision Paper T4R1
2) Symmetry WS (1 page)
3) Science WB Pg 25
4) Pls sign Rats Nest LS.

Things to note:
1) Your groups via the Social Learning Wall in McOnline have been created. Happy working on your models for the digestive system. Do not buy another materials, rather source for them at home.
2) Tomorrow, do remember that school is in the afternoon. Be at the hall at 12.20 p.m.
3) The examination SA2 schedule has been distributed and I have gone through the components with the pupils.

Do take care!

Tuesday, 29 September 2015

Homework on 29 Sept 2015

Homework on 29 Sept 2015

1) Math WB Area and Perimeter 5 and 6
2) Check answers for Math WB WS on Area and Perimeter- Challenging questions and problem solving
3) Sign Science consent forms

Things to note:
1) Homebased Learning pack for Day 1 and 2 were issued to the class pupils today. Pupils will be instructed to complete the WS in event of future school closures in case of haze. Pupils are not to do them yet.
2) A letter on the homebased learning was given to pupils today.
3) On the topic of Area and Perimeter,
pupils need to pay attention to the units for area and perimeter. They have to be familiar with the words like "margin", "path" and decide if they are asked to calculate area or perimeter.

Monday, 28 September 2015

Homework on 28 September 2015

1) Mcq corrections for Science Vitamindz
2) Comprehension for Companion Booklet 11
3) EL composition on Responsibility (hand in on Wednesday)

Things to note:
Today we went through Stimulus-based conversation. We went through the steps on the conversation.
Step 1: Answer the question that examiner asks
Step 2: Justify your answer (explain)
Step 3: Elaborate your answer by offering examples or personal experiences
Step 4: Share your opinions
Step 5: Conclude by answering the question again to cue the teacher that you have completed answering the question.

Friday, 25 September 2015

Online assignments via MConline on 25 September 2015

Things to note:

(1) There are 2 Science assignments on the topic of Plants systems and 1 Math Revision Practice assigned via MConline. Please go into MConline to complete the assignments.

(2) There will be no supplementary lesson today.

Thursday, 24 September 2015

School closure on 25 September due to haze

Dear parents,

MOE has issued a Press Release that primary and secondary schools will close tomorrow due to the worsening haze situation.  Parents who are unable to make care arrangement can send their children to school. Teachers  and Student Care Centre staff will supervise them.

(Sent from Channel NewsAsia Android app.)

In the meantime, please take care.

I will be posting some online learning packages and assignments tomorrow. Do look out for them.

*The visit to Henry Park Primary School for selected pupils tomorrow is also cancelled.

Tuesday, 22 September 2015

Homework on 22 Sept 2015

1)English Test Paper 6

Things to note:
1) Consent forms for supplementary (whole class) class lessons were given out today. Main focus will be preparing the pupils for their upcoming oral examinations.
Feedback from SA1 oral examinations:
Reading aloud: Too fast when reading passage, not "sounding" out the end sounds of words, monotonous
Stimulus-based conversation:
Pupils tend to answer the question that is put forth to them and fail to elaborate by sharing their own opinions or experiences based on the theme of the question or pictures provided. Hesitant sharing.

Monday, 21 September 2015

Swimsafer lesson tomorrow- ELDDS

Please note the following:

(1) For pupils who are in the ELDDS CCA, please go for your CCA tomorrow as you were informed last week on your rehearsals for your upcoming performance.

SwimSafer lesson conducted tomorrow - Chinese Dance

Please note the following:

(1) For pupils who are in the Chinese Dance CCA, please go for your CCA tomorrow as you were informed last week on the final selection and costume fittings for CCA.

Homework on 21 Sep 2015

Homework on 21 Sept 2015

1) Book review (Hand in on Friday)
2) Math online assignment (To complete by Wednesday
3) Sign English Writing HA

Things to note
1) Spelling list was given out today.
2) Swimsafer lesson will be conducted tomorrow. I am checking if pupils in ELDDS and Chinese Dance need to attend. Will update once I have news.

Thursday, 17 September 2015

Homework on 17 September 2015

Homework on 17 September 2015

1) Math WB pgs 97-100 (may complete whole practice)
2) Fan-math unit 10.1 Area and Perimeter
3) Science Vitamindz check-in knowledge and MCQ (Plant systems)

I hope all of you enjoyed the sundaes today. Do take care of yourselves especially in this hazy weather conditions and I will see you on Monday.

Wednesday, 16 September 2015

Homework on 16 September 2015

Homework on 16 September 2015

1. Science Review WS on Plant Systems
2. Science WB Pg 19
3. Math WB Pgs 93-96 (if uncompleted in class)
4. Stellar Learning Sheets (Complete - excluding pg 15)

Things to note:
(i) Swimsafer lesson which is to be conducted tomorrow is cancelled due to the haze situation.
(ii) I have spoken to the class pupils on the need for teamwork and empathy.
(iii) This week, we have conducted  Spelling Bee and today, we have selected one pupil to represent our class in the inter-class Spelling Bee competition. Eventually, I hope all of them will nurture an interest in Spelling.
(iv) I have requested for pupils to bring empty plastic bottles (if they already have them at home) to school tomorrow to conduct Science experiments on observing roots and stems- on how water is transported to the other parts of the plants.
(v) Please remember to bring foolscap tomorrow.

Tuesday, 15 September 2015

Homework on 15 Sep 2015

Homework on 15 Sep 2015

1) EL revision paper R5
2) Sign Symmetry Math practice

Things to note:
A letter on school hours during PSLE is given out.
The prefects who were given the SPCA consent forms, please wait till tomorrow for my confirmation on Swimsafer.

Monday, 7 September 2015

Things to note for September School Holidays

Dear all,

Online assignments via MConline have been assigned.
Please clear the assignments.

(1) Math: 2 Revision Practices (about 8-10 questions each practice)
(2) English: 4 Editing Exercises (One of the weaknesses noticed from EL CA2 paper- Spelling)
     Through such exercises, they are exposed to more commonly used words in Primary 4 and in
     doing so, they will learn the correct spelling of such words (may not be found in Stellar).
(3) Science Learning package on Plant systems
We have already gone through the main learning points in the topic of Plant systems. With this learning package, the pupils can reinforce the concepts learnt before we return to school in Term 4.

Thursday, 3 September 2015

Thank you!

Dear parents and pupils of 4 Exemplary,

Today, the school held a celebration for the teachers- Teachers' Day Celebration.

I would like to thank all pupils and parents who have given me gifts and I would like to say that I am thankful to be teaching this group of pupils too. They have been very motivated, are always willing to try new things with me and they really are very endearing to me.

In the afternoon, the inter-class volleyball competition was held and the girls came in second. WELL DONE!👍 I am aware that there were tears shed and conflicts arose during the course of the competitions. I will resolve them when school reopens. ( I was in a meeting when the competitions were held.)Having said this, I would like the pupils in 4 Exemplary gradually becoming more open to take up new challenges, be it academic or sports pursuits, to step out of their comfort zone and enjoy themselves in these pursuits . When I encourage the pupils to join inter-class competitions as a team, I  hope that they will appreciate teamwork and learn that at times, they need to consider the feelings of one another before making decisions, which I place more importance than winning. I truly believe that we learn better as a class.

Have a good rest and I will assign online tasks soon!☺ Remember the 5 questions on Science. I will go through the definitions on the words on Monday and please learn the words on the Spelling Bee list.

Then I will remember this,🍨! ;p

All of you have worked hard for CA2s. Do recharge during this school holidays and let's work together for SA2s.

Enjoy your school holidays and I will see you when school reopens.

Wednesday, 2 September 2015

Homework on 3 Sep 2015

Homework on 3 Sep 2015

1) Vocabulary- find definitions of 10 assigned words on spelling bee list

Things to note
1) CA2 Papers have been retured to pupils. Dear parents, please sign and return them tomorrow.
2) Science package on plant systems will only be assigned tomorrow.

Tuesday, 1 September 2015

Homework on 1 Sep 2015

Homework on 1 Sep 2015

1) Math WB pg 109-112

You may go to MConline and access P4 Math on Symmetry to reinforce the introduce on line of symmetries and symmetric figures.