Thursday, 28 May 2015

June Holidays are here soon!

Dear all,

The June holidays are almost here. I believe all of you have worked very hard for semester 1 and this is a good time to rest and recharge. :o)

I have posted the June Holiday Homework in McOnline. They are listed as follows:
(1) 2 English Editing exercises
(2) 2 Math Exercises (1 Revision and 1 on Decimals-Tenths)
(3) 1 Learning Package on Science (An introduction to Light)

Lastly, do work on your stories.

Do enjoy your June holidays and I will see some of you on Friday and everyone in Term 3.

EnJoY YoUr ScHoOL HoLiDaY!

Friday, 22 May 2015

Homework on 22 May 2015

1) Companion Booklet 7 Practice Sheet 1
2) Story (try to show me the complete text only on Monday. If not possible, you will be given time to complete it on Monday)
3) Letter to parents on Student Care Centre

Thursday, 21 May 2015

Note on 21 May 2015

There is no homework today.
Do continue to work on your stories.
The social learning walls have been created for the various groups. You may access them via mconline.
Currently the pupils in the class are working in groups to create their own storybooks for a competition.

Congratulations to Wei Qing for emerging as runner-up in the level recitation of Tongue Twister competition and Yu Xuan for winning the level "Creating your own tongue twister" competition.
Well done to both of them!👏

Wednesday, 20 May 2015

Homework on 20 May 2015

Homework on 20 May 2015

Pls work on your stories. (Just first 4 pages, if possible)

Examination papers were given out today. Parents please sign and papers are to be returned tomorrow.

The social learning walls for groups are set up yet. I will be done by tomorrow

Tuesday, 19 May 2015

Homework on 19 May 2015

Homework on 19 May 2015

1) Math wb Pgs 83-86 ( for pupils who did not complete in class)
2) Fan-math unit 9.1 (for pupils who did not complete in class)
3) Tongue twister- to key into social learning wall.

Saturday, 16 May 2015

Things to note

I have created a social learning wall in MConline, titled 4 Exemplary. Please post your tongue twisters with your name. If you wish to comment on your friend's post, please ensure it's constructive.

Please remember to bring your EL, Math and Science files on Monday and place them neatly at the top of the lockers. Do ensure that the content pages are signed.

Wednesday, 13 May 2015

A well-needed rest:)

A note: End of examinations

The pupils took their last paper (Science) today and I believe most of them had worked very hard to prepare for their examinations

Their EL Listening Comprehension, EL Paper 2 and Math Papers were shown to them today.

Please remember to bring your books back to school like Math WBs 4A and 4B, spelling books (parents to sign next to marks for spelling quiz).

Files will be collected next week. Parents, please sign the content pages for all the files.

Please do not give me any ice cream. I was only joking about it. ;p Do have a good rest and see you tomorrow.

Tuesday, 12 May 2015

Quick Recap for Science

Today we went through the topics for Primary 3, namely, Animal, Fungi, Bacteria and Materials.

Quick recap:

Living Things
1.Livings can grow, respond to changes, die, reproduce, need air, food and water to survive.    
2.Plants can make their own food but animals depend on others for food.
3.Plants and animals can move by themselves but animals can move from place to place by themselves while plants can only move their parts.
4.Some animals lay many eggs at one time to ensure the survival of their species. 
      5.Microorganisms are living things that can only be seen under the microscope.
      6.The animal groups are mammals, fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and fish. (For characteristics, please look at Textbook Pg 46)
      Mammals- outer covering of hair or fur
                      - Give birth to young alive (exceptions are platypus and spiny anteater which lay eggs)
                      - Feed on mother's milk
                      - Dolphins and whales are mammals. Bats are also mammals.  
       Reptiles- Dry skin covered with scales or shells
                    - Breathe through lungs
                     - Lay eggs
                     - Crocodiles, snakes and turtles are reptiles
       Insects - hard outer body covering (exoskeleton)
                   - body divided into 3 parts (head, thorax and abdomen)
                   - A pair of feelers are at the head, 6 legs are at the thorax
                   - Reproduce by laying eggs
      Fish- Outer covering of scales
             - Have fins to swim and gills to breathe
             - Reproduces by laying eggs
             - Exceptions: Guppies are fish that give birth to their young alive
      Birds- Body covering of feathers
               - Feathers keep them warm and help them to fly
               - Has a beak, a pair of wings and a pair of legs
               - reproduce by laying eggs
     Amphibians- live on land and in water
                        - Breathes through moist skin in water and through lungs when on land
                        - Reproduces by laying eggs
     * A spider is not an insect as it has 8 legs unlike an insect which has 6 legs.
      7.Fungi are not plants as they do not make their own food.
      8. Some examples of fungi are mushrooms, bracket fungi, puff balls and mould.
      9. Fungi reproduce by spores. They feed on other living things,which maybe dead or alive, and which they grow on.
     10. Please learn the parts of a mushroom. Spores are found in the gills of mushrooms.
     11. Useful fungi- mushrooms can be eaten. Yeast can be used to make bread
     12. Harmful fungi- Spoil things when fungi grows on them.
     13. Bacteria are microorganisms. They can only be seen under a microscope. They are living things.
      - Useful bacteria- They can be used to make cheese and yoghurt.
     - Harmful bacteria- They can grow on food and spoil them. Some bacteria make us ill.
  a)Strength – Ability of material to be pulled without breaking or tearing
(b) flexibility- Ability to bend without breaking
(c) Transparency – How much light can pass through
* Transparent materials allows most lightto pass through.
*Translucent material allows little or some lightto pass through
*Opaque materials allows no light to pass through
(d) Ability to float or sink – Whether the object floats or sinks in water
(e) Whether the materials are waterproof –Whether the material absorbs water
We have gone through in class the various tests on how to test each property.
**Please note to answer why the pupils choose a certain material for an object, they need to state the material selected to make the object + the property of the material + how this property is useful for the function or use of the object.
Matter and its states
1) Matter is anything that has mass and occupies space.
Pupils have been advised to use these 2 properties to determine if something is matter.
2) Mass is the amount of matter in a body or object. (measured in g or kg)
3) Electronic balance and beam balance can be used to measure mass.
4) Volume is the amount of space that a body occupies. Measured in cubic cm or cubic m or litres
5) An object has to be removed or displaced before another object can take its place.
6) The three states of matter are solids, liquids and gases.
Solids have definite shape and volume. Liquids have definite volume but no definite shapes. Gases do not have definite shapes and volumes. Only gases can be compressed.
7) Small grains of rice, jelly beans are solids as they have definite shapes and volumes, though collectively when poured into a container, they are seen to take the shape of the container.
8) Please learn the parts of a syringe and how to mark and take the readings.
9) Remember to get accurate readings, bring eye level to meniscus or lowest point of water mark to avoid parallax error.
10) Please look through the steps to find the volume of objects that are irregularly shaped
11) Beakers are not a good measurement tool. Measuring cylinders are better and to pick the most suitable equipment for measurement, look at the volume of the object to be measured and the units of measurement of the measuring cylinder to decide.
12) The three states of water- ice (solid), water (liquid), gas (water vapour)
** To attempt questions on matter, the pupils must identify if the question is asking on mass or volume (occupying space). For Object X to take the place of Object Y, Object Y must be removed or displaced first. Please note that water takes up space and not water level (use water level correctly)
Heat is a form of energy.
- Sources of heat are things that produce heat like Sun, volcano, candles and light bulbs.
- Heat is also produced by friction (when two objects rub against each other)
- Please use higher temperature or lower temperature. Remember not to use "hotter temperature or colder temperature".
- Clinical thermometer is used to measure body temperature.
- Laboratory themometer is used to measure the temperature of objects and substances.
- Please note that heat and temperature are not the same. Heat is a form of energy while temperature is a measurement of how hot or cold something is.
- Heat will always travel from a hotter to a colder place until they reach the same temperature.
- When an object gains heat, its temperature increases.
- When an onject loses heat, its temperature decreases,
- Matter expand when it gains heat.
-Matter contracts when it loses heat.
Daily use of expansion and contraction
1.A laboratory thermometer contains a liquid such as mercury or alcohol. When the thermometer is placed in something hot, the liquid gains heat and expands. As it expands, it climbs up the scale.
2.Overhead cables are hung loosely so that they do not snap when they contract in cold weather.
3.Railway tracks have gaps along the rails so that the metal rail will not buckle when it expands on hot days.
Good or Poor conductors of heat
Good conductors of heat allow heat to pass through them easily. They allow heat to pass through them quickly.
Poor conductors of heat do not allow heat to pass through them easily.
Metals are good conductors of heat while glass, plastics, wood, rubber and air are poor conductors of heat.
Interesting facts
1.Woollen jackets trap air around your body. As air and wool are poor conductors of heat, heat produced by your body is not easily lost to the surroundings. Thus, wearing a woollen jacket keeps you warm.
2.Metal is not "cold" by nature. If a metal spoon and plastic spoon are placed in an air-conditioned room, they are at the same temperature. The metal spoon feels colder as it is a good conductor of heat and when you touch it, heat is conducted quickly away from our body, faster than the plastic spoon which is a poor conductor of heat. This makes the metal spoon feel colder than the plastic spoon.
3. Uses of good conductors of heat- to make cooking utensils
4. Uses of poor conductors of heat- To make winter clothing and make containers that keep things warm or cold.
** Please note that for heat, please use the following:
- gain heat from XXXXXX
- lose heat to XXXX
***Lastly if the question asks you to explain why you choose an object over some choices, remember to compare by using comparative or superlative adjectives.

Anwers for Science Process Skills

Worksheet 10
Sources of Heat: sun, volcano, friction, burning fuels
Uses of heat: cooking, drying, heating, ironing
Applicances: hair dryer, iron, toaster, kettle
Things which change their state when heated- water, rubber, wax, butter
Worksheet 11
1. Their spoons gained heat from the hot water and became too hot for the children to hold.
2. Copper ( Do not accept copper spoon as spoon is an object and not a material.)
3. Their spoons are made of materials which are poor conductors of heat and heat gain is slow, so the heat in the water could not reach their fingers.
4. Clay,  ceramics, porcelain
Worksheet 12
1. The water has lost some heat to the surrounding air.
2. The jar wrapped in tissue paper. It is thin and allows heat to pass through easily.
3. The styrofoam
4. He should make a box made of styrofoam OR styrofoam box.
Worksheet 13
1. The base is made of metal as metal is a good conductor of heat. When the saucepan is placed over a fire, it gains heat from fire and the food can be cooked quickly.
2. Plastic is a poor conductor of heat and heat gain is slow thus the plastic handle protects the person from burning his or her hands when they pick the saucepan.
3a) I will put on a pair of oven clothes. OR I will place a cloth over the metal handles before I carry it.
3b) The oven gloves and the thick cloth have pockets of air trapped inside them and air is a poor conductor of heat so they prevent the heat from reaching my hands quickly.
4. Electric iron OR kettle
Worksheet 14
1. SUN
3. INSULATOR (Pls do not use in exam)
Worksheet 15
1. No. The amount of water in Beakers A and B are not the same.
2. No. Th number of sugar cubes and the amount of water used are not the same in Beakers B and C.
3. She should use Beakers A and D. Only the temperature of water differs while the other factors remain the same.
4. The sugar cube in Beaker D dissolves faster than the one in Beaker A. As the temperature is higher in Beaker D, this means there is more heat present than in Beaker A (given the same volume of water in both beakers), so the sugar cube in D dissolves faster.
Worksheet 16
1. The leaf in Glass A was softer and more limp than the one in Glass B.
2. Although the water in both glasses was at 70 degree celsius, there was more heat energy in Glass A than in Glass B. This is because there is a larger amount of water in Glass A. Thus there was innsufficient heat in Glass B to completely cook the lettuce leaf but there was sufficient heat in Glass A to do so.
3. It indicates that the egg is partially cooked.
4. It indicates that the egg has not been cooked.
5. Even though the water that the eggs were cooked in was of the same temperature and quantity, Egg X was cold and would therefore have needed a longer time and more heat to cook sa compared to Egg Y.
Worksheet 17
1. Jagit heated the metal ball with a Bunsen Burner or dipped it into boiling water.
2. The metal ball expanded when it gained heat from the Bunsen burner (or waterm depending on your answer in 1.), making it too big to fit through the metal ring.
3.The metal ball lost heat to the iced water and contracted, allowing it to pass through the metal ring again.
Worksheet 18
(1) 2
(2) 4
(3) 4
Worksheet 19
(1) 3
(2) 4
(3) 1
(4) 2
Worksheet 20
1. Nathan could pour hot water over it or put the ball in a basin of hot water.
There should be no cracks because if there were cracks, he air would escape from the holes and not push out the dent when it expands on gaining heat from the hot water.
2. She was trying to make the bottle cap expand. Yes. As the cap gains heat from the hot water, it will expand, and thus she can open the bottle.
3. The spoon is made of metal which is a good conductor of heat. When the spoon is dipped into the boiling spoon, it gains heat quickly from the hot soup. When Sonya touched the spoon, her hand gains heat from the spoon and she can feel the heat.

Monday, 11 May 2015

Homework on 11 May 2015

1) Last 3 pages for p3 Science Revision. (Some pupils have not completed them in class.)

Please remember to revise for Mother Tongue examination.

Sunday, 10 May 2015

Happy Mother's Day!

Dear mothers of pupils in 4 Exemplary,

Here's wishing all of you a Happy Mother's Day!

Image taken from

Things to take note for Math

Things to take note
1) Whole numbers
- learn your multiplication tables as pupils are still multiplying numbers wrongly.
- Remember how to multiply a number with a 2-digit number. Many pupils omit the second level of numbers (the digit in the tens place or forget to place a '0' in the ones places for the second level)
- Be careful of the term "best estimate". It usually means most accurate estimate which is when the number is rounded off to the  estimate of the smallest "value", which is the nearest tens followed by the nearest hundreds. This is true for most instances but to check especially in MCQ questions, pupils are advised to work out all the options to confirm their answers.
- For questions asking pupils what is the value of 3 ten hundreds, 2 tens and 1 ones. Pupils have been advised to write out the numbers on top of the words ans add them up.
- Pupils have been reminded what quotient, reminders and product are.
- Digits and numbers are different and pupils must read the question carefully.
- For questions asking for the biggest possible number when rounded off to the nearest tens or hundreds, pupils have been reminded what the pattern is. They must be careful and note the number is rounded off to the nearest ×××.
- Pupils must read the questions carefully as some omit the second step of the question. For example, find the product and round off. They may forget the rounding off part as seen in their practice papers.
- Word problems involving "twice, thrice or xxx more than or less than"- I have asked pupils to draw models based on them so that they can see the comparison and use the appropriate methods to solve them.
2) Tables and line graphs
- Please note what "draw tallies" mean
- For line graphs, pupils must look at the y-axis and x-axis carefully and interpret what the values are about, especially when questions involve descriptions water/ electricity left or used.
-Pupils have been reminded to write values on the graph as they read them.

3) Fractions
- Pupils have been reminded to leave their answer in simplest form unless stated otherwise
- For word problems, they have to distinguish if the problem is simply a question on measurement or a fraction of set. For fraction of set questions they have been asked to draw models. This wil help them especially of the questions involve "remaining parts".
- For additition and subtraction, pupils just add or subtact the numerators when the denominators are the same.
-For questions like 1/2 of 4, they must remember to place "X" in place of "of".
- for questions that ask, for eg, how many fifths in a fraction, do remember to check that the denominator tallies to the question. In this case, the denominator must be 5. Change it into an improper fraction and the numerator is the answer.
4) Angles
-Pupils must be careful when drawing angles. Look for words like "draw above" or "draw below" the lines.
- they must remember that there are 2 ways to name angles.
- they must know when to use outer and inner scales of the protractor. When they draw the angles, they must check if the angles drawn is correct as they know what obtuse and acute angles are.
- For 8 point compass, they must always check what the person is facing abd going to.
- Pupils must be familiar with the phrasing ( L is ______ of A.) They nust know A is the original point and find out where L is with reference to A.)

5) Perpendicular and Parallel Lines
-Pupils must not rush when drawing the lines. They must place the set-square carefully on the given line before using the second sets quare as support. Many times, they use 2 at the same time and they rush to draw the line.
- Remember to label the lines when necessary.
-Remember to draw right angle for perpendicular lines and arrows for parallel lines.
- Be careful of the term " pass through point x". The drawn line must pass through the point.

6) Squares and rectangles
- When finding out the lengths of given shapes, remember to either name the lengths (recommended) or not at all. To name the lengths which your equation is finding out, refer to the diagrams.
- Be careful of the terms "number of parallel lines" and "number of pairs of parallel lines". They are different.
7) Heuristic questions
Refer to those learnt in Fan-math like model drawing, supposition, drawing a diagram, restating in another way and more.
For the drawing a diagram question (for example, the lamp-post question, usually the question requires pupils to look at the gaps between the objects.)
Lastly for all Section B and C Questions, please show all relevant equations and workings.

Answers for qn 30 onwards

Saturday, 9 May 2015

Answers for Math Revision

Here are the answers for the first 30 questions for the Math revision that I had handed out yesterday.

Section A
1. 3
2. 4
3. 2
4. 3
5. 4
6. 2
7. 3
8. 4
9. 3
10. 3
11. 2
12. 4
13. 2
14. 4
15. 1
16. 3
17. 3
18. 3
19. 2
20. 1

Section B
21. 1
22. 369
23. 10283
24. 69, 138
25. Make sure you name the line QR (Q is already indicated in the question) and draw the angle.
26. AE//BD, AB is perpendicular to AD
27. 2/3
28a. South-east
b. South-west
29. 19256
30. 1340

Please remember to show all workings for section B and C.
I will update the rest of the answers later. Please also revise multiplication tables as some of the pupils are still unable to multiply a number with a 2-digit number accurately. They forgot to do the second level multiplication or simply do not remember their multiplication tables.

Thursday, 7 May 2015

Homework on 7 May 2015

Homework on 7 May 2015

1) Corrections for Man Revision Paper and 1 Math Worksheet

There is no need to complete the P3 Science Revision Paper. We will do them in school tomorrow.

Things to note
1.Please remember to revise for your English examination by looking through the worksheets in our English file and Casco- Phrasal verbs etc. Pls look through stellar units 1-6.

2.Please remember to read the instructions carefully, whether to underline or circle the answers.

3.For Cloze Passage and Vocabulary questions, please read the sentences and whole passage first before attempting to answer the questions.

4. For Comprehension, for questions that requires you to quote the phrase or sentence, please remember that that for the phrase indicated, it cannot form a sentence by itself. For the sentence quoted, the pupil must be able to write down the whole sentence as in the passage.
They should answer as the following:

The phrase is "______________".
The sentence is "_____________________."
The word is "_______________".

This applies for open-ended questions.

Many times, the pupils do not refer back to the passage for the spelling of certain words. Do advise them to do so if they are unsure of the spelling. This is to minimize unnecessary marks deducted for wrong spelling and especially if the word is already in the passage.

5. Today, there was a spelling quiz on the vocabulary used in the Stellar units learnt in Term 2 and some commonly misspelled words in the class.

Wednesday, 6 May 2015

Homework on 6 May 2015

No homework. P3 Science is optional to complete at home. Please bring it tomorrow. I will  give all time to complete them tomorrow. Remember to revise for MT tomorrow.

Tuesday, 5 May 2015

Homework on 5 May 2015

Homework on 5 Nay 2015

1) Corrections for last 3 questions in Vitamindz (Heat)
2) Corrections for Fan- math

Do bring both books tomorrow.

Monday, 4 May 2015

Things to note on 4 May 2015

There is no homework today.

Please revise for your upcoming oral examinations.

Friday, 1 May 2015

Things to note on 1 May 2015

There is no need to complete the Science Process Skills Booklet. Pupils were supposed to do the booklet during the waiting time on the day of their Physical Fitness Test. Please bring it on Monday.