Friday, 27 February 2015

Homework on 27 Jan 2015

Homework on 27 Jan 2015
1) Fan-math unit Supposition (pg 30) and Unit 4.2( pg 39)

Things to note:
1) Letter on ICAS assessments
2) Letter on Swimsafer programme

Thursday, 26 February 2015

Homework on 26 Feb 2015

Homework on 26 Feb 2015

1) Section C of Math T1R2 practice Paper
2) For Casco, pls go through the phrasal verbs at the back of the book.

Things to note:
Pupils may leave their files at home. Do file in the returned worksheets diligently.

Wednesday, 25 February 2015

Homework on 25 Feb 2015

Homework on 25 Feb 2015

(1) Section B for Math T1R2.

Tuesday, 24 February 2015

Homework on 24 Feb 2015

Homework on 24 Feb 2015

(1) Math Review 2
(2) Science WS on Diversity and Cycles - Hand in on Thursday.

Monday, 23 February 2015

Homework on 23 February 2015

Homework on 23 Feb 2015

(1) Math WS on Division and Worksheet 3B
(2) Science WB Pgs 28, 33 and 34
(3) 3 English Vocabulary MCQ Online tests via MConline.

Things to note:
(i) Please learn your multiplication tables diligently.
(ii) Pupils are advised to use a dictionary to check the definitions of vocabulary words that they do not know.

Thursday, 19 February 2015

Happy Chinese New Year and Science Learning Package

Dear parents and pupils,

Here's wishing all a Happy Chinese New Year!

*Written by me using Google. I hope you can read the Chinese words. :)

Science Learning Packages
The Science Learning Packages on Diversity (Plants) and Cycles (Plants and Animals) have been assigned. Do go through them to prepare for your upcoming CA in your spare time.
A reminder on questions on Life Cycles

1) For life cycles, pupils are encouraged to add the name of the animal beside the adult and nymph, for example, adult grasshopper and grasshopper nymph if the animal is known.
2) When comparing life cycles of 2 animals, they must compare the changes in each life cycle or the number of stage. For example, the young in life cycle 1 looks like the parent while the young in life cycle 2 does not look like the adult. OR Life cycle 1 is a 3-stage life cycle while life cycle 2 is a 4-stage life cycle.

Tuesday, 17 February 2015

Homework on 17 Feb 2015

Homework on 17 Feb 2015

(1) Math Revision Paper(1) - Hand in tomorrow. This was given since Monday.
(2) Science Revision Paper 1 (Hand in on Tuesday.
(3) Fan-math exercises 3.2 (partially completed in class) and 4.1 (Hand in on Monday)
(4) EL Revision Paper T1R1 (Synthesis and comprehension) - Hand in on Monday

The Math and English files have been returned to the books. Please bring them daily next week to file returned worksheets.

I will assign 2 Science learning packages on Plants and Life Cycles to help the pupils recall the concepts learnt last year. It should be assigned by tomorrow. Pupils can go through them over weekend and next week.

Lastly, a Happy Chinese New Year to everyone.

Monday, 16 February 2015

Homework on 16 Feb 2015

Homework on 16 Feb 2015

1) Fan-math Unit 3.1 pgs 21-23
2) Vitamindz WS 7 and 8

Friday, 13 February 2015

Homework on 13 Feb 2015

Homework on 13 Feb 2015

1) Science WB revision on Matter
2) Math WS 2B ( Heuristics Questions)
3) Math Revision Paper 1 ( complete sections B and C) - Hand in on Wednesday

Thursday, 12 February 2015

Homework on 12 Feb 2015

Homework on 12 Feb 2015

1) Math WS ( Parallel Questions)

Things to note
1) From the pupils' compositions
( drafts 2), I am heartened when I see that there is an improvement in many of the pupils' work. It shows that they are capable of writing better compositions when they set their minds to it.
2) During Listening Comprehension exercise, during the second reading, I observed that some pupils were not checking their work seriously. Do help me to advise the pupils that for LC, it is very possible to score full marks for this component but only if they have the correct learning attitudes, that is, to strive to improve and to check their work carefully and seriously.

Wednesday, 11 February 2015

Homework on 11 Feb 2015

Homework on 11 Feb 2015

1) Companion Booklet pgs 3, 4 and 5

Tuesday, 10 February 2015

Things to note on 10 February 2015

Things to note on 10 February 2015

1) There is no homework today.
2) Letter to parents on Chinese New Year Celebrations in school on 18 Feb 2015
3) Parents to sign spelling book for the past 2 exercises
4) Today for English, an exercise on irregular past tense verbs was given to the pupils to complete.
This is an area of weakness observed among the class pupils especially in composition writing. For example, many pupils wrongly stated "flied" as the past tense for "fly".They need to build up on their knowledge of such verbs to minimize such errors either in Paper 2 or composition. 

Irregular past tense verbs are words like "chose" which is the past tense for "choose". Usually for verbs in the past tense, we will add a "ed" at the basic form of the word but this may not be so for irregular verbs.

5) For Math, on the topic of Graphs, the pupils need to read the questions and study the tables carefully. For example, on tables depicting number of coins and value of coins collected, pupils must be able to infer from the questions what they are asking for before they can answer the questions on graphs accurately.They must be able to distinguish what number of coins and value of coins are. These were reinforced today.

6) Science practical will take place in Week 6. For the past 2 days, I have been going through with the pupils on how to take measurements with the different apparatus.Pupils have been reminded to revise their work. They may also use the 2 Science learning packages on Matter assigned previously for revision.

Monday, 9 February 2015

Homework on 9 February 2015

Homework on 9 February 2015

1) Stellar WS Pg 8 (Completing sentences using "than")
2) Corrections for Science WS Handout 2

Things to note:
i) Pupils' Science Workbooks and files were returned back to them for revision.
ii) Yes, the funny-shaped container is known as "communicative vessels".

Friday, 6 February 2015

Homework on 6 February 2015

Homework on 7 February 2015

1) Math Ws on Line Graphs
2) Science questions to ponder:
(a) What is density?
(b) What is the name of "funny-looking" container?
Clue: Co___________   ve____

Things to note:
For Science questions on Matter, pupils should answer by stating the property of the given matter and making specific references to the question.

For example:
Does the shape of water change when it is poured from cylinder go beaker? Explain why.

Yes, the shape of water changes. As water has no definite shape and takes the shape of the container it is in, therefore their shape changes from the shape of the cylinder to the shape of the beaker.

*Pupils should not just write down all the properties of water (like no definite shape and definite volume) because in this question, definite volume is not relevant to this question.

Thursday, 5 February 2015

Homework on 5 February 2015

Homework on 5 February 2015

1) Composition entitled "Lost in the Wilderness"

The pupils have written a composition entitled "Missing passports" earlier. I hope that pupils are able to use the phrases they have learnt to describe the feelings of the main characters. This composition primarily serves as a learning tool where I can assess if the pupils are able to use the phrases learnt to describe "fear and anxiety" in similar scenarios.

Wednesday, 4 February 2015

Homework on 4 February 2015

Homework on 4 February 2015

1) Math WB pgs 59-62 (Tables and Line Graphs)

Things to note:

Question for Thought
Is it possible for a big piece of wood to float on water while a coin sinks in water?

Spelling will be postponed to Friday.

Tuesday, 3 February 2015

Homework on 3 February 2015

Homework on 3 February 2015

1) Fan-math Pg 15 Systematic Listing

Things to note:
1) Sign Math WB Whole numbers (2) and Review 1
2) Letter on Supplementary Reading
3) CA 1 Timetable